Valentine's Day Caramel Boxes


Back Story.  Simple.  Authentic.  Spectacular.  

A perfect description for our Valentine's Day boxes of caramel, and we hope it's a perfect description for your relationship with the one you hold close.

Package Options & Description.

  • The "You + Me" Valentine's Day stamped boxes include 8oz of individually wrapped pieces of caramel (about 32-pieces) in any of our available flavors.
  • The traditional Valentine's Day stamped box includes 4oz of individually wrapped pieces of caramel (about 16-pieces) in any of our available flavors.

Shelf-Life.  Our caramels are best when fresh and should be consumed within 6 months of delivery.  If you're able to keep from eating the package after opening, we recommend storing your caramels in an air-tight container to help maintain freshness.

Reminder on Production Time.  Lastly, since our caramels are made fresh, it will typically take us 1-3 business days to get your order prepared and ready for shipping.

Package Design Type

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Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

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