Holiday Stocking Stuffer and Favor Bags (5-Pack)


Back Story.  Our caramels make a great favor and stocking stuffer for the holidays. We also love them as table treats for every seat at a dinner party. 

Packaging Options.   Each favor bag has 4 individually wrapped pieces and each order will contain 5 of the 4-piece packs for a total of 20 pieces.  You can choose between our "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Holidays" stamped packages and pick from several of our caramel flavor options. 

Bulk Discounts Available.  If you're considering more than 100 packs, please e-mail us at for a bulk discount quote.

Shelf-Life.  Our caramels are best when fresh and should be consumed within 4-5 months of delivery.  If you're able to keep from eating the whole box after opening, we recommend storing your caramels in an air-tight container to help maintain freshness.

HOLIDAY ORDER LEAD TIME.  With increased demand at this time of year, your order may take up to 4-days to complete finish up before shipping.   

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